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FFA Student "Go Bag"


An easy way to keep it all together

- A DEDICATED backpack or other suitable duffel type case that zips shut
- FFA Manual and FFA Handbook
- Large binder to contain Notebooks
- Interactive Notebooks (as needed) for SAE, Agriscience, Marine Tech, Parli Pro, Officer Position, Etc.
- Blank paper or notebook for notes
- Pens, pencils, markers, eraser in a pencil bag
- Scissors (optional)
- Ruler
- Calculator (basic)
- Robert’s Rules of Order, 11th Edition (ISBN: 978-0-306-82020-5)
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Robert’s Rules, 2nd Edition (ISBN: 978-1-61564-034-8)
- Login information for and (written in a notebook somewhere)
- Your first and last name on all items, on the front covers if possible
- Your personal ipad, laptop, camera and/or smart phone (don't forget the charger)
- Wear your watch and manage your time
- A snack to get you through
- A water bottle

(revised 8.18)

Ready To Go


Students and advisors have prepared the following list of suggested items that members should bring to every meeting, LEAD class, agriculture class, and leadership event to assure their success.

Suggested "Go Bag" Contents

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